1 in 3 have an error on their credit report which can bring down their credit score. A bad credit score can cause you to be declined for a loan, mobile phone & more. Take control! See what others see now.
First Name
Email Address
Date of Birth
How would you like us to communicate with you?
How does my credit score impact my life?
Did you know that some potential employers now consider your credit profile when doing a background check? Whether you want to rent or own a property, your credit score and profile will determine if you are a reliable person. This is why it's important to maintain a good credit score and know what is on your profile at all times.
Should I expect to find errors in my credit profile?
It's likely, according to financial experts and analysts. Your credit report can include errors and inaccuracies that can hurt your credit score. As a member of UKCreditRatings, you'll have access to your credit report 24/7. We'll help you dispute errors so you can be sure your profile is as clean as possible.
Tips for creating a secure password
Do not use names of spouse or children
Do not use phone numbers
Do not use your username as a password
Do not use words that can be found in a dictionary
Use numbers in place of letters (for example 3 instead of E)
About UKCreditRatings
UKCreditRatings offers our UK Customers the ability to understand, monitor, and check their credit report and score. We are part of a much larger worldwide business that provides millions of consumers with a diverse range of products and services.
We offer Excellent customer support.
Dispute any errors online and we will investigate this for you!
Did we already mention our Free 14 Day Trial?*
*After your Free 14 Day Trial period ceases, the membership charge is £19.95 per month. Note that you can cancel your subscription without any charge by contacting us before the end of the Free 14 Day Trial period. To ensure a consistent service once the trial period ends you will be charged the membership fee of £19.95 and it will appear as UKCredit.org, UKCredit.net, UKCrdtRatng.com, UKCrdt.com or UKCreditRatings.com on a monthly basis. The membership fee will be charged to the same card you use to sign up to access our service.